Family Roots Run Deep in Jackson County Hometown Hero EMT Angela Day

by Jerry Sparks Co-Editor/Senior Reporter
Jackson County EMT Angela Day Jackson County EMT Angela Day

Angela Day has served as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) with the Jackson County Ambulance Service for 22 years this coming August. As a child, Angela grew up in Owsley County in a little place called Candy Branch, which is in the Travelers Rest/ Vincent Area. She and her family moved back to Jackson County when she was 19 to her mother's old home place in New Zion. Her parents, William David and Patty Gray, are originally from Jackson County, and she has always had ties here. Angela's Grandparents on both sides were born, raised, and died in Jackson County. Angela commented, "My roots run deep here in Jackson County and this will always be my home."

Angela's love for community service began when she joined the Gray Hawk Volunteer Fire Department in the mid-1990's under the supervision of Chief Cleon Bingham. Angela reported, "I knew really quickly that I had a passion for the Patient care side of emergency response." Soon after joining the Fire Department, the Ambulance Service offered an EMT class, and Angela took the class, passed her National Registry test and Skills Boards, and has been working ever since. She believes that was in August 2002.

When asked what motivates her to be a leader and serve such a vital role in our community Angela responded, "I have a genuine and true love for people of all ages. I like trying to take a bad situation and improve it for everyone involved. I have been on both sides of the fence. I have been in situations where I needed an ambulance for one of my own loved ones and it is a scary situation to be in. Jackson County is my home and will always be. I am happy to be a small part of what makes up Jackson County Ambulance service and happy to be able to help those in need.